Ecocapsule: Live off the borders

Ecocapsule is the way to independent living.

Meet a smart house powered by solar and wind energy. It allows people to reach world’s frontiers with the luxuries of a hotel room. The “egg” can serve as a micro-house, cottage, pop-up hotel or even as a charging station for electric cars. Ecocapsule’s spherical shape has not only been purposely designed to minimize energy losses: The minimalistic retro-cool design is simply beautiful..

Our team has been focusing on every detail of the interior, exterior and technology for years. As a result, we have won several prizes and created a huge buzz over media when Ecocapsule was first revealed. Its development is now in hands of a separate company, so for more information please visit the project’s website.


Nice Architects: Igor Zacek, Tomas Zacek, Sona Pohlova
Foto: Tomas Manina